Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dance vs. Cheer

People who are not in dance or cheer get confused on the difference. They just refer them two completely different sports as the same.

Dance is a little bit more graceful. It has more of a flow type of movement. There isn't usually a whole lot of tumbling and stunting unless you are doing acrobat. In dance, if you jump it usually leaps, you don't really jump in one place the whole time. Another thing that is different is the music. With dance you usually do one song. There are also different types of dancing that you can choose to do.

Cheer is more robotic. It is very stiff and sharp the whole time. Although some types of dances are also this way not all are. Cheer is filled with stunts and tumbling. It involves a lot of jumps as well such as; toe touches, pikes, hurdlers, etc. Again, even though dance does this occasionally, they don't do all the time like cheer does. With cheer's music it is usually a remix verses one song the whole way through with dance.

Yes, cheer is a form of dance in some way but the differences are clear to some and not to others. It can be difficult to tell the differences because they are both filled with spirit and have dance sort of movements.

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