With the new school year schedule this year, it not only causes us to change our breaks but it changes the way we test as well.
Every year us students are used to taking three finals at the end of each trimester. Now, with us only have semesters, we only take two finals. There are many pros and cons to this situation.
One pro is that we only have to worry about two tests in the year and don't have to worry about a third one. Another pro is you have a longer period of time to get help and get your grade up if needed. Also, we have our first final later than usual so now we don't have to hurry and learn the information so fast, we get more time to go over everything that is being taught.
One con is that our first final is right after Christmas break. We get two whole weeks off of school for Winter break and most of us forget a lot of the curriculum and struggle with remembering when we come back. Another con is since we only have two finals we have to test over more things than we did with three finals. It is hard to remember things that we were taught four months ago and test well on it.
With this being the first year with semesters, I've noticed students and even some teachers a little bit more stressed out with finals because of all of the cons. It seems as though the cons that i listed are overruling the pros to this situation.
I feel (and I'm sure many others would agree) that if we tweaked when our finals were to maybe having our first final right before Winter break and having more time to review everything that we learned from the beginning then people wouldn't stress nearly as much. I also feel like more people would much happier and content with the new schedule.
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